


  • 一体化雷火平台(中国)股份有限公司官网超纯水设备有异味是什么原因?
  • 本站编辑:雷火平台(中国)股份有限公司官网发布日期:2019-09-21 10:07 浏览次数:


With the increase of the utilization rate of integrated reverse osmosis ultra-pure water equipment, the core technology of integrated reverse osmosis ultra-pure water equipment adopts new technologies such as reverse osmosis and EDI, and designs a set of ultra-pure water treatment processes to meet the water requirements of pharmaceutical factories, hospitals and large infusion systems. After using the integrated reverse osmosis ultra-pure water equipment for a period of time, some users find that the integrated reverse osmosis ultra-pure water equipment has odor, which may affect the quality of water production and water use of the integrated reverse osmosis ultra-pure water equipment. In order to solve this problem, we need to understand the integrated reverse osmosis first. What causes the odor of ultra-pure water equipment?


1. The poor quality of integrated reverse osmosis ultra-pure water equipment and the disadvantaged manufacturers in order to reduce production costs and improve the competitiveness of inferior materials are problems that we can not solve in the later stage. A good way is to remind consumers that when buying, they should choose a good brand with good reputation and good service. Before purchasing equipment, please carefully check how to purchase integrated reverse osmosis ultra-pure water equipment to ensure that qualified equipment is purchased.


2. There are bacteria in the integrated reverse osmosis ultrapure water equipment. After purchasing the integrated reverse osmosis ultra-pure water device, long-term use, not paying attention to disinfection and cleaning, or this kind of long-term placement is not used, the bacterial reproduction in the integrated reverse osmosis ultra-pure water device, water will naturally produce odor, especially in summer, because summer is the peak period of bacterial reproduction season, the higher the temperature, the more bacterial reproduction. Hurry up.


3. Activated carbon failure of integrated reverse osmosis ultra-pure water equipment is an important problem causing odor. Activated carbon filter is the main system for the whole integrated reverse osmosis ultra-pure water device to absorb the odor of raw water. Once activated carbon fails, the integrated reverse osmosis ultra-pure water device will inevitably produce odor of water, so we need to wash and replace activated carbon filter regularly.


Knowing the above reasons, we need to choose the best quality equipment when purchasing the integrated reverse osmosis ultra-pure water equipment, and regularly clean and disinfect the integrated reverse osmosis ultra-pure water equipment, so that it will not appear odor. More questions can be consulted with the integrated reverse osmosis ultra-pure water equipment manufacturers.




